Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wednesday Wisdom

Three pieces of Wednesday wisdom for today.

1. Spend your time trying to have fun not trying to be fun. The second will follow on it's own.

2. Make someone's day, if you try and do this enough you'll end up making yours.

3. Kum and Go on Welch has Mountain Dew flavored Icees and they're amazing.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Looming Fall

I hate Fall.

It's good for about a week and then lets just have Winter and get it over with. Don't get me wrong I like the cool jacket weather, the leaves turning, and I love football season. Winters still coming, I don't want it to, but lets just have it here and be done with it that much sooner. Fall just puts it off like me not doing my homework right now, it doesn't do me any good the homework is going to have to be done eventually.

So come on Winter, lets go.

P.S. Let's go snowboarding!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

I woke up today wearing a smile. I think I'll leave it on all day.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Occupation #34

I decided recently to add "Professional Miniature Golf Course Designer" to my list of potential careers. Not only am I an exceptional miniature golfer, but I feel like if I tried to sit down and actually design a golf course the result would be closer to a goofy golf hole anyways.

Consider it added.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

I suck at blogging. Today is my birthday, so on this day I have an excuse not to blog.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

A night on the town

My sister had a play last night in Des Moines and I convinced Mom to come back to Ames for the night. We went out to the bars, and I think she upheld my reputation well...

Monday, June 16, 2008

First times

There's nothing like the first time. I so enjoy the rush of excitement that accompanies trying something new for the first time. A sudden rush of new experiences. Wakeboarding for the first time was just as such.

I've had the opportunity over the last year to spend time getting to know the wakeboarding community. After attending the Blackout movie shoot last fall in Okoboji I was exposed to a whole new world of people involved with the sport. The cinematographer, photographers, enthusiasts, and even some professional riders. Since then I've continued to watch the movies and stay current with the Standerd. I've been waiting for months for the opportunity to give wakeboarding a try myself. This weekend I got what I had been waiting for. Enjoy.

My first time wakeboarding from Nick Olson on Vimeo.

I made it eight seconds, that's a full ride in the rodeo!